Dental Veneers
Veneers is a procedure that will straighten teeth without braces. This procedure can be done in as little as one day. Your dentist will bond a thin sheath of porcelain or composite ceramic, called a veneer, to the surface of the tooth. Large gaps can be closed, and teeth that are chipped or broken can be reshaped--and the result will look completely natural.
Dental Veneers is the most aesthetic means of creating a more pleasing smile. It allows dentists to alter tooth position, shape, size and color. It differs from tooth whitening or bleaching in that bleaching can only alter color and not change shape, size or tooth position.
Veneers can correct chipped, weakened, or discolored teeth. No more yellow. No more gaps or embarrassing chips. And veneers can return real structural integrity to damaged teeth while leaving them looking as good (or possibly better) than the originals.

Today, we have exciting new biomaterials that can give your smile a lift without invasive treatments.
Porcelain Veneers - Porcelain dental veneers are great for complete smile makeovers. They are custom made to fit over your natural teeth, with a finish more translucent to blend in with surrounding teeth. So people won't notice your tooth, they'll simply see your beautiful, natural smile.
Composite Veneers or Tooth Bonding - Newer composite materials enable a dentist to imitate the natural tooth in form, color, and texture. Tooth bonding is ideal for spots, chips, broken front teeth, or discolorations. Gaps between your front teeth can be closed in one appointment.
How Long Do Porcelain Veneers Last?
It is difficult to put a number of years for a lifespan for porcelain veneers. They won't really wear out during a human lifespan. If they aren't well cared for, the bonding material can ditch and deteriorate. Or they can be damaged and need to be replaced.
Porcelain veneers, when they are done correctly, don't wear. And they are bonded tightly to your tooth, so, even though they are thin, they derive strength from your teeth. If you bite pins or other metal objects, you can chip an edge. If you consume alcohol heavily, you can dissolve away the bonding agent at the edges of the veneers. If another dental office uses power polishing equipment on them, the surface can become rough and porous and the porcelain will then stain very easily. They can also become scratched or chipped from improper maintenance techniques. If you snack frequently, you can get cavities on the edges (although these cavities can be repaired).
So, take good care of your porcelain veneers. Brush and floss daily. Have your regular dental checkups. Don't abuse them, and they will last many years.
Lumineers is a particular brand of porcelain veneers. They are like any other porcelain veneers, except that they use Cerinate brand porcelain rather than other brands. And there are advantages and disadvantages to them.
The Lumineers porcelain is particularly strong and can be made a little bit thinner than most other porcelain veneers. Instead of five-tenths of a millimeter thick, they are three-tenths of a millimeter thick.
The advantages of lumineers are that they are very conservative and the teeth need very little preparation if any. But the problems are that being very thin it is difficult to hide a dark shade. It is also not possible to give an illusion of depth. Many brands are available similar to lumineer in India.