Full Mouth Restoration in Australia Vs. India, Save 80%!

Smile Makeovers for Different Ages: Teens to Seniors

Full Mouth Restoration in Australia Vs. India?

The jaws, biting positions, and mouth health of each person are all unique because of their dental anatomy. The main goal of a full mouth restoration is to fix all the problems with the teeth, like cavities, broken crowns, and old fillings, and make the mouth look like it did before.

A lot of people look online for the cost of “full mouth restoration in Australia.” But before we talk about the cost, there are some other things to think about, so it’s important that you know your treatment plan and the requirements. There are several reasons why a new dentistry plan is made, such as:

  • Take better care of your teeth in general
  • To make your bite look better for aesthetic reasons
  • Make one’s teeth look better
  • A full mouth restoration in Australia or India can be done along with other treatments to get the best results possible

Full Mouth Restoration in Australia

A full mouth restoration may be able to improve your oral health if you haven’t had your crowns, veneers, or composite fillings changed in a few years.Some people grind or clench their teeth on a regular basis, which can mean that their bite is changing and getting smaller. All of these things can weaken enamel, cause cracks, sensitivity, and tooth damage, which can lead to bad breath and bad oral health. A full mouth restoration in Australia or India will give you great results because the whole procedure is done by an expert focusing on your bite, oral health, and appearance.

Last but not least, price is important, a full mouth restoration in Australia would cost your 80% more than the same procedure in India, travel costs included.You can save anywhere from AUD $20,000 to AUD $70,000 if you compare the cost of full mouth restoration in Australia and India. Some people we’ve treated have saved over AUD $70,000 on treatment at Dr. Motiwala Dental Clinic & Implant Center in India.

When you get a full-mouth dental implant, all of your teeth in your upper, lower, or both jaws are replaced. To get back the strong, natural look of your teeth, a set of implants is put in place and dentures are put on them. Dental implants can be used to restore the upper arch, the lower arch, or the whole mouth. It is also possible to get implants at Dr. Motiwala Dental Clinic & Implant Center without having to have a complicated sinus lift or a bone graft surgery.

Full Mouth Restoration in Australia – The Factors

The total cost of a full mouth restoration in Australia or India depends on a number of factors, such as the method used, the quality of the materials used, the amount needed, and the time frame. Here are some of the most important things to consider. These factors are different for each patient. You should send a request to Dr. Motiwala with information about your case, and he will give you all the information you need.

Full Mouth Restoration in Australia

EXTRACTIONS: A lot of people need to have their damaged teeth pulled out, which raises the cost of a full mouth restoration. Getting teeth pulled out usually costs between $50 and $100, which isn’t much when you compare the cost of a full mouth restoration in Australia or India.

BONE GRAFT: Implants are strong and last a long time if the jaw bone is sound. On the other hand, significant bone loss is linked to some diseases and getting older. Also, wearing dentures can weaken and shorten the jawbones, which means you may need a bone graft. It takes about AUD $2000 to get a bone transplant in Australia. As long as you use basal and pterygoid implants in Permanent teeth in 3 daysTM, you won’t need a bone graft, a sinus lift, or an expensive surgery like block grafting.

IV SEDATION: Basal implants don’t need flaps and are self tapping, this feature of basal implants shortens the time needed for surgery, and pills are now an excellent option to induce sedation.

ADDITIONAL PROCEDURES: The table below compares how much a full mouth restoration costs in Australia and India.

How Much Can You Save?

If you get your treatment done in India instead of Australia, you will save about 80% on the cost of a full mouth restoration in Australia. This is after you pay for your trip to India, food, and transportation in India.

By traveling to India, a patient saved AUD $28,000 on dental implants. If you choose to get your full mouth restoration done at our center in Hyderabad, you could save up to AUD $75,000. Would you like to know how?

The cost of full mouth restoration in Australia for one of our patients was coming to about AUD $95,000. However, he chose to fly to India instead, and the breakdown of his costs is shown below. While on vacation in India, this patient got a full mouth fixed bridge with 6 implants. This person had to fly to Hyderabad twice, with a break of four months between each trip to help him recover. With the following cost comparison, it’s easy to see how much you can save.

So you could be able to save more than AUD $75,000 on your full mouth reconstruction cost, and you might even be able to complete the treatment in only one trip!!!

Are You Looking For Dental Implants

Click on the links below to learn more about the approximately $50,000 savings option for Dr. Motiwala’s packages.

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Make An Appointment!

Please contact us if you have dental difficulties or are interested to know about dental implants and how they might improve your smile. Dr. Motiwala Dental Clinic & Implant Center may be reached at +91 99596 14584. You can also Contact Us by clicking the banner below.

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