Oral health is very essential for maintaining healthy teeth, gums. Oral health issues, such as canker or cold sores, bad breath, dry mouth, tooth decay, or thrush are all treatable with proper diagnosis and care by Dr. Motiwala Dental Clinic.
Xerostomia is the medical name for dry mouth. It is described as having little or no saliva flow. Dry mouth is not a sickness in and of itself; rather, it is a sign of various illnesses or a side effect of several treatments and therapies. It is difficult to determine the prevalence because estimates range
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One of the most common orthodontic issues is overbites. When the patient is in occlusion, it is a malocclusion in which the upper incisors significantly overlap the lower teeth. This issue has a wide range of potential causes, and as it grows in prevalence, a wide range of treatments are now available to address it.
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It’s common to only consider your teeth while considering your dental health. However, your gums play a crucial role in both your general health and the health of your mouth. Studies have linked poor gum health to a range of general health issues, such as an increased risk of diabetes and cardiovascular disease. This is
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Have no worries if your parents decided against getting you braces when you were a kid! Since the introduction of Invisalign, more and more individuals are achieving the stunning smile they have always wanted while experiencing far less humiliation. The days of food stuck in your braces while smiling at your lunchtime sweetheart from third
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Think you’re busy? Try being a kid for a while. They are always learning new methods to take care of themselves and others in addition to school, activities, and family time. Every youngster has to learn how to wash their teeth as one of those important life lessons. Although teaching your child to brush twice
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Are you getting dental implants soon? If so, you should be quite happy because dental implants might provide you more self-assurance about your smile. And given that having a beautiful smile increases one’s chances of success and self-esteem, you should be over the moon about your dental implants. But you must make sure you follow
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You have probably heard about dental implants if you are experiencing tooth loss. Dental implants, often known as tooth implants, are metal screws or posts that a restorative dentist surgically inserts into the jawbone behind the gums. They are sturdy, stable, and permanent. After being put in place, new teeth are attached to the screws.
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Treatment for missing teeth has been revolutionized by dental implants. Dental implant is the sole technique to repair lost tooth roots; in contrast, there are several treatment alternatives for replacing a missing tooth’s crown. In order to provide the necessary stimulation to stop bone deterioration, dental implants are surgically inserted into the patient’s jawbone, where
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Patients who want to replace lost teeth have a great option in dental implants. Many adult patients looking to renew their smiles will find these permanent restorations excellent. However, many patients are concerned about the oral surgery involved in placing the implants. Patients in Dr. Motiwala’s office are given guidance on how to be ready
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If a patient has missing, crooked, or damaged teeth, a dentist may advise dental implants. To replace lost teeth, four types of dental implant restorations are available. Single tooth implants, implant-supported dentures, full mouth acrylic, and full arch dental implants are the four types of restorations. Each form of dental implant repair has advantages and
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