Oral health is very essential for maintaining healthy teeth, gums. Oral health issues, such as canker or cold sores, bad breath, dry mouth, tooth decay, or thrush are all treatable with proper diagnosis and care by Dr. Motiwala Dental Clinic.
This is a phrase that people often look up on Google, and for good reason! Plaque causes bad breath, cavities, and gum disease. Plaque on your teeth is not a good thing. If you want to keep your mouth healthy, you should know how to get rid of it and what happens if you don’t.
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Before dental implants became a popular and stable way to replace missing teeth, dental bridges were the big thing. Even though we love dental implants and use them to help many of our patients regain good chewing function, a dental bridge may be a better way to replace a tooth in many situations. In this
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We’ve written a lot on this blog about why it’s important for your overall health to take care of your teeth. How much you show off your teeth and how you feel in general are also affected by how good your smile is. Even if your teeth aren’t perfect, you can still smile and laugh,
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You’re at home relaxing when you notice that the slight tooth sensitivity you’ve had for a few months seems to be getting worse. You’ve been putting off going to the dentist for a while, but now your teeth hurt so much that you have to go. At first, you think it’s just a cavity, but
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Have you seen ads for foods that say they are sweetened with xylitol, which is healthier than sugar? Some sugar-free gums have xylitol in them, and the companies that make them say it helps fight tooth decay and gum disease. The claims made by manufacturers may make you want to try xylitol instead of going
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Consumers today are more willing to invest in a younger-looking smile than in weight reduction assistance, according to recent studies conducted by the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry (AACD). These results are consistent with what we would expect to discover for several reasons: The smile is one of the first features noticed by others, thus even
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Is it safe to whiten your teeth? Many of us wish our teeth were whiter, but is it a goal worth compromising your health for? The good news is that teeth whitening treatments have come a long way over the last few decades and are generally regarded safe for most people. There are, however, a
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You drank all of your refreshing drink, leaving behind nothing but the ice. After you’ve begun crunching away on the icy cubes, a loud CRACK! It’s not ice you just chomped on; it’s a tooth fragment. Both adults and children frequently experience the discomfort of a chipped tooth. Even though enamel is the toughest, most
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In order to avoid having sensitive teeth, it is essential to take care to protect the outermost layers of your teeth as well as the tissue that surrounds them. Sensitive teeth are teeth that are quickly irritated and can be quite painful when exposed to specific elements, such as heat and cold, that easily send
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There are a variety of dental operations that can brighten, straighten, and generally improve the appearance of a person’s smile; nevertheless, there is only one procedure that will repair practically all cosmetic issues, and that is the application of porcelain veneers. Porcelain veneers are able to cure a wide range of dental flaws, including discoloration,
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