Oral Health

Oral health is very essential for maintaining healthy teeth, gums. Oral health issues, such as canker or cold sores, bad breath, dry mouth, tooth decay, or thrush are all treatable with proper diagnosis and care by Dr. Motiwala Dental Clinic.

How Well Do You Know Your Wisdom Teeth?

The term “wisdom teeth” refers to the third molars, which typically emerge between the ages of 17 and 21, hence the name. At that point in our lives, we are meant to be maturing and, as part of that process, gaining both insight and knowledge. In the days when our ancestors were required to pulverize

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The Root Of Many Dental Evils – Tartar

Have you ever felt like your teeth had a soft, sticky film on them? This film is called dental plaque. It is made up of millions of bacteria that live in your mouth and eat the food and drinks you eat and drink. Plaque gets hard and forms tartar or calculus when it stays on

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How to Cope With Pain Post Root Canal?

Most people feel pain after getting a root canal. But just because it happens often doesn’t make it easier to deal with. If you’ve been asking yourself, “How can I deal with pain after a root canal?” this article might help. Let’s talk about what happens during a root canal, what to expect afterward, and

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What Are Dental Implants Made Of?

Are you planning to get dental implants? One of the most common reasons for bad oral health is the loss of teeth. The average adult in the United States has 25 of 32 teeth. Consider getting dental implants if you are missing teeth and want to keep your full set of teeth. Before you spend

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How Long Do Dental Fillings Last?

Did you know that about 90% of people over 20 have had at least one cavity in their teeth? Most of the time, cavities need to be filled so that the more sensitive tissues inside the teeth are protected. If you’re one of the 90% of people who have ever had a cavity, this may

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Dental Implants: Top Mistakes to Avoid

Dental implants are a safe and effective way to replace missing or broken teeth. They work 97% of the time. As implant specialists, we love it when our patients are well-informed, because that’s the best way to make sure you have long-term success. Here are three things you shouldn’t do when getting dental implants. Never

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Can Your Teeth Predict Heart Disease & Diabetes

We recommend going to the dentist regularly to avoid tooth decay and gum disease, but you may have read online that your teeth can tell if you have heart disease or diabetes before you go to the doctor. Is it true? Let’s dig in a little deeper. Can You Avoid Heart Disease by Taking Care

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What is the Dental Implant Success Rate?

When it comes to implant failure, the odds are in the favor of every patient. Dental implants are the best way to replace teeth because they usually work 98% of the time or better. But, as with any treatment, there are some risks. Knowing about these risks is the best way to stop an implant

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