All On 4 Dental Implants

The All-on-4 Procedure at one time did have an impact on conventional implantology, by allowing the use of angulated implants. But the disadvantages of using only 4 implants have made it almost obsolete. From All-on-4 it has evolved back to All-on-6 and All-on-8.

Drawbacks of All-on-4 Dental Implants Technique
  • If one of the dental implants fails, the entire restoration fails. If this is the case than the procedure will have to be re-done and a more conventional approach using more implants and bone grafting may be required.
  • Only 10 or 12 teeth can be fixed. If more than 6 to 8 implants are placed then 14 teeth can be fixed.
  • The temporary fixed teeth are made of plastic and need to be replaced after 3 months, with ceramic teeth.
  • Younger or larger framed patients will want to consider a conventional approach using more than four implants to improve long-term predictability of their implant prosthesis.
  • This procedure has less success in patients who smoke or have a history of periodontal disease.
All On 6 Implants

The All-on-6 dental implantation is similar to that of all-on-4 dental implants. All-on-6 dental implantation uses tilting posterior implants in maximizing the use of available bone on anterior jaw. The number of implants, whether all-on-4 or all-on-6 is done is dependent on bone condition.

The drawbacks of all-on-6 remain the same as that of all-on-4. The only difference is that the risk is slightly less of failure. The major drawback still being cantilever bridge and fewer teeth (acrylic teeth) are replaced. Compare it with Permanent Teeth in 3 days.

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